Prenuptual Agreement

Prenuptual Agreements in Nassau County

Now that couples tend to get married later in life than in years past, it is a common occurance that one or both partners has already acquired sizable assets before they get married. Added to this of course is the reality that divorce rates remain high, so there is a very real potential that significant assets could be compromised in the event of a divorce.

Thorough Research

Before the prenuptual agreement is drafted, I work with my clients in assessing they details of their property. Each asset is separately analyzed and considered within the context of the entire  estate. I then cousel and advise my clients on all their options, and the consequences thereof.

A Quality Instrument

After all the issues are discussed, and the choices are made, I then draft a detailed and enforceable agreement that ensures my client's assets are safe and protected.

Do you have questions or do you want to make an appointment to discuss a Prenuptual Agreement in Nassau County?

Call me at (516) 513-1300 or use our contact form.

Contact Information


(516) 513-1300



(516) 495-4608

Physical Address

1400 Old Country Road

Suite 105N

Westbury, NY 11590

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 711

Bethpage, New York 11714


Business hours*

9:00 AM to 6:00 PM

Monday - Friday


*Evening and weekend  appointments also available by appointment

Legal News

Read about recent developments in divorce and family law on my news page. 

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More about Me

Before starting my own firm I worked as an associate attorney at a Matrimonial/Family Law and Personal Injury firm. Find out more about me on my Background page.



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